🏖️ Quiet vacationing, anyone?

Paid time off is drastically underused in the US, but quiet vacationing is on the rise. We're unpacking how to bring a summer state of mind to your work—when to take a break, when to explore new career paths, and how to master the art of keeping your cool.

Ah, summer. The season of beach trips, barbecues, and... career moves? You bet.

As the days get longer and the sun gets brighter, I find it's the perfect time to refresh my work mindset.

Let's dive in! We're talking about how to bring some much-needed balance to a high-pressure job, mastering the art of the job hop, why summer jobs are so hot right now, and most importantly, who actually takes all of their dang PTO—and why you should too!

Plus, we'll decode the wacky world of corporate jargon—because IMHO (that's work-speak for, in my humble opinion), beating the heat is easier when we're having fun.

I scream. You scream. We all scream… for PTO

Quiet vacationing is on the rise. More employees are taking time off without announcing it—hoping to dodge guilt and stress. 31% of workers have admitted to moving their mouse to keep their status active while on a stealthy break (guilty as charged).

More than 4 in 10 US workers don't take all their PTO, and nearly 80% feel guilty about taking it, worrying about job security and burdening colleagues. Honestly, the guilt is real.

Taking time off is essential for your mental and physical health. Disconnecting from work, resting, and engaging with friends and family can drastically improve well-being. Yet, 78% don't use all their days off, often forfeiting them altogether. And here's a kicker—nearly 90% check emails from their boss while on vacation. This statistic makes me want to throw my phone into the sea.

Employers are catching on76% of workers wish their workplace cultures emphasized the value of taking breaks and using PTO. We're seeing a trend towards better policies. We're not there yet, but baby steps, right?

So, use your PTO! It's not just a perk—it's essential for maintaining a balanced, healthy work life. Embrace that sunshine state of mind and take a well-deserved break. You've earned it.

Summer gigs lead to big gains for students

Summer jobs are seeing a revival. As summer approaches, more students are seeking part-time and temporary jobs. Gen Z high schoolers are reversing the trend of forgoing work, with 37% of 16- to 19-year-olds working or looking for work last year. These jobs are priming the young workforce with valuable social experiences, professional advantages, and a whole lot of opportunities.

It’s not just about the money. For college students, summer jobs are resume gold. Even roles like lifeguarding, camp counseling, and internships not only cut the checks, but help build professional skills and connections. A study on the Boston Summer Youth Employment Program found summer jobs boost high school graduation rates by 7% and reduce dropout rates by 22%.

So, whether it's working in retail or gaining industry-specific experience, summer jobs are stepping stones to greater opportunities. We know there are many reasons why high schoolers and college students choose to jump into the professional pool early. Fortunately, we've prepared BeamJobs resume templates for those High School or College students just starting out because you deserve some support—power to you, young job seeker!

It's not you, it's me… and a little you

Burnout is blazing. Turning down a promotion might seem counterintuitive, but maybe it's time we take a page out of the Gen Z and Millennial playbook… and consider setting healthy boundaries at work. Fast Company reports that 8 out of 10 employees are at risk of burnout, so it's no wonder some folks are opting to descend the corporate ladder for the sake of their mental health.

It's a unique choice for everyone. The trick is understanding your needs and making choices that align with your personal and professional goals.

Feeling the pressure? Arm yourself with the right emotional skills. Forbes says leaders need the following practices to manage stress: self-awareness, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral strategies. It's not easy, but spotting the urge to people-please, weighing decision costs, planning responses, and challenging all-or-nothing thinking are key to thriving in high-pressure roles.

The art of the job hop

Are you ready to take the leap? Job hopping can be a risky game, but it can also be a savvy career strategy. According to HR News, a whopping 66% of Gen Z believe that switching jobs is essential for career growth. It's all about gaining new skills, experiences, and, let's be honest, better pay.

Sticking with one company might feel safe, but it can come with its own set of regrets. Nasdaq highlights some of these real regrets from a chronic non-job-hopper: stalled career growth, limited networking opportunities, and a lack of personal and professional development.

It doesn’t hurt to keep your skills sharp. In today's job market, it can be an even bigger risk to stay in a job out of an unfounded fear (oh, believe me, I've been there). It always pays to keep an eye on the job boards, refresh your resume, remind yourself of your accomplishments and practice those interview skills. You never know when the next best role might present itself. And you have a helluva lot to gain.

The synergy of it all

If I had a dollar for every time I'd heard one of these phrases, I could retire and sail off into the sunset now. I can already smell the margaritas.

Here are the BeamTeam's picks for the phrases we'd be happy to push out to sea (along with their sane translations):

  • Mind meld (Translation: Discussion)

  • Synergy (Translation: Teamwork)

  • Double-click (Translation: Explore)

  • Lift and shift (Translation: Move)

  • Fire drill (Translation: Urgent task)

What are the phrases you'd like to put on permanent vacation? Reply and let me know.

Stay cool out there, human job seekers!

You got this,

Stephen Greet
Co-founder and CEO, BeamJobs