🌄 Ready for a career adventure?

From career pivots to side hustles, let's explore new paths and uncover some of the weirdest jobs that pay the bills.

Hey there! Stephen here, CEO of BeamJobs, bringing you some summer vibes and fresh career insights.

Summer's all about growth—stretching out, soaking up the sun, and exploring new paths. Today, we’re diving into epic career pivots that might just make you question your life choices (in a good way). We’ll also spotlight the rise of side hustles, unravel the mystery of the missing tradespeople, and reveal some of the oddest jobs you never knew existed.

You may or may not be Googling “how to become a professional cuddler” by the end of this…

Whether you’re ready for a change, some vicarious adventuring, or just a good laugh, we’ve got you covered. And who knows, maybe you’ll be inspired to give your career its own summer growth spurt!

Big career change… YUGE

Ever thought about a BIG career change? You're not alone. Over 50% of U.S. workers are considering it this year. 

Career shifts are a new norm. With 78% of workers under 40 reconsidering their career paths due to the pandemic, the landscape of employment is shifting dramatically. Interestingly, the average age for a major career change is 39 years. So, if you’re thinking of making a switch, you’re in good company.

If you need some inspiration, pull up a stool and meet the bartenders who are serving up more than drinks: Hannah Maruyama pivoted from bartending to a $100K job in AI, no degree needed. Her secret? Ignoring conventional job advice and going for roles that seemed out of reach. Or take Lilly Lazare-Greene, who swapped the bar for a welding torch and now runs multiple welding shops. Who knew fusing drinks could lead to fusing…well, metal. 

Skills and timing are everything. Dedicate time to following your curiosity and passions. Building new skills through formal training or self-learning can lead to a diversified and employable skill set.

Do it for the plot. It's all part of your unique career narrative. Need some inspiration? Check out Indeed's roundup of 25 unique careers

Your career, your rules. You got this.

Are side hustles the new American Dream?

Do the hustle! Data from Gusto shows 44% of new business owners in the US started their ventures while still working their regular jobs. The pandemic’s remote work shift and the rise of online shopping created the perfect storm for side hustles to thrive.

Unsurprisingly, economic uncertainty is driving this trend. Inflation and job market jitters have many folks hesitant to quit their day jobs. According to PYMNTS, 22% of U.S. workers have side gigs to make ends meet. The flexibility of remote work, combined with the power of AI tools like ChatGPT, makes it easier to juggle a side hustle without risking financial stability. Who knew economic paranoia could be so... productive?

Got the entrepreneurial itch? Then it might be for you. Side hustles offer more than just extra cash; they can diversify skills, expand professional networks, and test the waters for full-time entrepreneurship. According to Forbes, side hustles can even improve work-life balance and offer greater flexibility. It’s about more than money; it’s about growing as a professional and an individual. Plus, nothing beats turning a passion project into profit.

Do I like that side hustles are becoming necessary? Not really.
Is it giving professionals more stability and outlets for creativity? Kinda—yeah!

It’s hammer time

Where have all the tradespeople gone? From auto repair shops to construction sites, a national shortage of skilled laborers is causing delays and increased costs. According to Forbes, industries like automotive and construction are desperate for workers. 

We're feeling the effects of the white-collar push. Over the last few decades, cultural shifts and stigmas have pushed students toward four-year colleges and white-collar jobs, leaving trades behind. Fewer young people are entering these fields, and an aging workforce means 41% of current skilled workers will retire by 2031.

Meanwhile, the cost of college has skyrocketed, and the return on investment aint what it used to be.

Blue-collar workers are loving life. Almost 91% of skilled tradespeople are satisfied with their careers, enjoying higher wages and job security, largely safe from AI and automation. Who wouldn’t want to avoid the robot uprising? Should I call Will Smith?

The skilled trades offer tangible, rewarding work and little to no education debt. Let me say that again—little to no education debt. 

We need to change the narrative and celebrate the trades for what they are: lucrative, fulfilling, viable career paths that also happen to be utterly essential for a functioning economy.

You can get paid for that?!

For your summer-transformation-inspiration, the BeamTeam and I compiled a list of the 10 oddest odd-jobs we could find. We couldn’t make this stuff up folks. The ranking is coming in at: 

  1. Baby Name Consultant: Parents pay $250-$400 to get the perfect baby name. Naming your little chickadee is serious business. Is it just me, or is Chickadee starting to grow on you? 

  2. Professional Cuddler: Make $80 an hour giving hugs. And to think, I’ve been giving these away for free.

  3. Snake Milker: Extract venom for antivenom and earn big bucks. Fangs for the cash!

  4. Ice Cream Taster: Get paid to sample ice cream flavors and earn up to $56,000 a year. Pretty sweet gig.

  5. Golf Ball Diver: Dive for lost golf balls and make up to $100,000 annually. Fore!

  6. Dog Surfing Instructor: Teach dogs to ride the waves and earn $70 per hour. Surf’s up, pup!

  7. Furniture Tester: Make $20 per hour testing out furniture. Cushy work if you can get it.

  8. Puzzle Creator: Create crosswords and puzzles, and sell them for $200 each. Career solved!

  9. Odor Sniffer: Make $48 per hour, ensuring products smell nice and last long. That pay is nothing to sniff at!

  10. Iceberg Mover: Relocate icebergs using tugboats and cranes for $25 per hour. Play Tetris with icebergs and keep shipping routes safe.

I’m sure that’s given you a lot to chew on.

Whether you’re starting to think about pivoting into the lucrative world of moving icebergs, or something a little warmer, just remember, your career is yours to create. I, for one, am about to investigate how I can get a side gig as an ice cream taster. 

Until next time.

You got this,

Stephen Greet
Co-founder and CEO, BeamJobs